“Veterans and newcomers alike, the Alliance calls for aid! The mad scientist, Max von Krieger, has returned with another abomination, and we need your help to stop it. Alone, we are no match for his creation; but together, we stand a chance of halting his rampage. We’ve done it before, and we can do it again!”
The Colonel puts down the leaflet before reading the rest of it.
"Max von Krieger is a brilliant scientist, but his arrogance will be his downfall", the Colonel says to the Alliance Major who came with the report. "We don't have many men to oppose him, so we'll need to strategically deploy our Harriers, and any volunteers that come."
"Our best tactical minds may have a plan," the Major says confidently. "We have already prepared a mission brief for commanders on how to best engage the Blitzträger auf E 110."
When the screen goes dark, the Major pauses briefly and holds out a folder of documents.
"What's inside?" The Colonel opens the folder and skims over the first page.
"New vehicles, specifically designed to engage von Krieger," replies the Major.
"A ballistic dome on the Bat.-Chatillon 25 t? Interesting." The Colonel, thumbs through the pages.
"Historical combat data shows some drawbacks when Harrier squads in the T-55 Thunderbolt attacked the Blitzträger auf E 110. Under von Krieger’s command, the Thunderbolts didn’t last long", the Major comments. He continues to read the report. "The newest iteration takes that into account.”

"Alpha and Bravo Company of the armored special forces are fully supplied with the new vehicles. I believe now is the time to strike. Our tactical recommendations are on page 25," says the Major.
The page mentioned is sparse – intel on von Krieger's creation is costly, and must be paid for in both blood and steel:
- Long-range fire on the Blitzträger auf E 110 is ineffective. Close the distance to target to inflict maximum damage.
- If collected plasma cannot be used to overload the Generator, it still boosts damage output when attacking the Blitzträger auf E 110.
- Focus all fire on the Blitzträger auf E 110 when the vehicle's protective field is disabled.
- Von Krieger can absorb plasma dropped by destroyed allied vehicles. Allied plasma carriers should be escorted at all times.
- Durability of combat vehicles can be restored by collecting plasma, or by participating in a successful Generator overload.
- If the Blitzträger auf E 110 is not an immediate threat, focus on overloading the Generators. Overloading a Generator disables the enemy's shield for a while and overloading the last of the four Generators will disable the shield permanently.
- Swifter and less damaged allies are preferred plasma carriers–they have a better chance of reaching the objective.
- Don’t give up! If the battle ends, but at least one Harrier carries plasma, overtime will be triggered—the duration of the battle will be extended by the time on the plasma timer, but by no less than 30 seconds.
- Each overloaded Generator provides additional time to complete the mission.
"All this is good, Major, but what do we know about the Blitzträger auf E 110 itself?" the Colonel asks, closing the folder.
"We were able to obtain some new intelligence from our scouts."
"At what cost?" the Colonel's voice goes cold.
"We lost a lot of men. Max von Krieger means business, his Blitzträger auf E 110 outmatches anything we had last time," the Major’s voice cracks slightly. “But we’ve managed to recover some of von Krieger’s personal notes.”
A stack of sketches and documents sprawl out in front of the Colonel. He picks up a small, leather journal.

Von Krieger's notes, tactics for the Blitzträger auf E 110
"The Alliance has figured out a key weakness by targeting the Generators, but their pathetic attempts to defeat me, Max von Krieger, will not succeed! War is a game of chess, and I am always three steps ahead."
- Keep the Harriers away from my Generators. Several Harriers can quickly overload my precious Generators and destroy my E 110’s shield! If I let this happen, it’s 'Auf Wiedersehen' for my masterpiece!
- When my shield is down, the cloaking will fail, and my position will be revealed to the entire Harrier squad! I must remember to fix that soon.
- Note to self: do not take positions in open areas when my shield is down. I must not make it easy for my enemies!
- With my shield active, I am invincible! First, attack, then attack, and attack again! Absorbing plasma can restore durability and speed up the Teleportation recharge. Good thing I made sure I can absorb plasma automatically!
- Divide and conquer! A simple, yet effective formula for victory. As long as I can keep the Harriers apart, it’s my victory. Protect the points and take them out one by one.
- Harriers aren’t immortal. If I destroy one Harrier three times, it’s one less pest to worry about.
- The use of the EMP Arrow or EMP Burst interrupts the progress of overloading a Generator.
- The more vehicles from the Alliance that are hit by the EMP Burst, the faster it will recharge.
- The EMP Burst is unaffected by solid objects, another "nice" surprise for the minions of the Alliance if they try to hide from my masterpiece behind something!
- A ballistic dome for the Foudre? A futile attempt to mimic my greatness. My EMP Burst can inflict damage through it.
- If you think my EMP Arrow has missed, think again! A light graze is all I need to cause some damage.
Having finished reading, the Colonel looks solemnly at the Major.
"Put out a call for every able-bodied commander; those who participated in the last campaigns, as well as newcomers. Make sure they all get briefed. Have them report to Alpha and Bravo Companies as reinforcements."
Turning to leave the office, the Major hesitates, pausing in the doorway.
"Colonel, reports from survivors mention a second type of enemy, similar to von Krieger's vehicle. Eyewitness accounts are sketchy, but consistent. We’ve designated it—the Blitzträger auf E 220."
"We can’t work off of rumors, Major. Next thing you know, we’ll be chasing wild stories like the White Tiger."
The Major salutes and leaves the office. The Colonel sighs heavily, then opens the bottom drawer of his desk. There lies a medal with a picture of a white tank in a velvet box...