As we end another great year on the battlefield, we would just like to take a moment to highlight the major events from this year.
Throughout this year a lot of changes have arrived in World of Tanks such as new tanks, new systems, and new game modes to name just a few.
Let's give a fond goodbye to 2021 and look forward to an upcoming year that promises to be filled with even more surprises to come! Thank you for being with us this year, and we look forward to making next year even more fun for Commanders everywhere!
Get ready to roll into 2022! See you next year, Commanders!
2021 Summary

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.11.1 released
- Team Clash 2021
- High-Tier Italian Heavy Tanks
- Platoon 2.0
A new branch of high-tier Italian heavy tanks made their debut on the battlefield featuring a modified autoreloading system from Tier VIII onward.
Maharlika, Summer Tiger, Master Tortoise three Team Captains fought in a special 7v7 mode to find out who’s the strongest.

◆ Major updates
- Take the Bull by the Horns!
- Sandbox 2021: Get Ready for New Tests!
- Sandbox 2021: Try Out the Reworked HE Shells!
To celebrate the Lunar New Year, the Lunar challenge gave dedicated commanders a chance to earn the brand-new Tier VIII premium medium tank 122 TM
The series of critical revisions were tested for HE shells and artillery mechanics.

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.12 released
- Sandbox 2021: Changes to SPGs
- Black Market 2021
- New Season of Steel Hunter
- Season 3 of Ranked Battles
The characteristic of the 4 Premium tanks(STG Guard, T26E4 SuperPershing, STA-2, and T-34-3) has been improved
Various mid-long term events such as Steel Hunter, Ranked battles Season 3, Battle pass Season 4 have proceeded to heat up the battlefield.

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.12.1 released
- To the Stars!
- GIRLS UND PANZER collaboration
- Tank Brawl
- Steel Hunter 2021: Stage 2
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first-ever manned spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin, we reached to the stars.
After released update 1.12.1 the Matchmaking system has been improved and other functions have been added for players' convenience.
The characters from the Girls und Panzer joined the battlefield.

◆ Major updates
- The Crystal Challenge
- Ranked Battles Season X
- Daily Deals Are Back
- Steel Hunter 2021: Stage 3
The Crystal Challenge launched to introduce the brand-new German Tier VIII premium medium tank Kampfpanzer 07 RH and the Brunnenpanzer 3D style.
Ranked battles Season X launched with a new format shortly before Steel hunter 2021: Stage 3.

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.13 released
- Changes to Vehicles and SPGs
- Field Modification
After released update 1.13, the reworked mechanics for dealing damage with HE shells and new features for countering SPGs have been introduced.
The new Field Modificationsystem was tested in the Sandbox server. It is a toolset that allows you to precisely configure your favorite vehicles depending on their combat roles.

◆ Major updates
- Highway Rock Encore
- New! Recon Mission
- Global Map: The Thunderstorm Event
Highway Rock Encore returned with more rewards and to much excitement.
The new mode Recon mission was also added. Players can now explore the new map which is in the developing stage ahead of time and share their valuable opinion.
A powerful thunderstorm hit the battlefield, bringing with it a new war for supremacy and tons of valuable loot.

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.14 released
- The 11th Anniversary of World of Tanks
- New map: The Safe Haven
- The Unique Tier IX Premium Tank Powered by Sabaton!
- Topography: Learn World of Tanks maps
- Frontline 2021: What’s New?
The new Safe Haven map was added with update 1.14, along withfield modificationand Topography.
To celebrate the 11th anniversary of World of tanks, USSR Tier IV premium medium tank T-34 mod. 1941and other handsome rewards were up for grabs.
The collaboration with Sabaton in the spirit of war: Strv K event rocked the house down.

◆ Major updates
-Return of the Waffenträger!
- Frontline 2021: Stage II
- Recon Mission Stage 2, 3
Hunt down the dangerous and unpredictable Blitzträger auf E 110! Return of the Waffenträger event was held to launch the brand-new U.S.A. VIII premiun mediun tank ASTRON Rex 105 mm and other rewards.
Recon mission stage 2, 3 and Frontline Stage 2 rolled out smoothly.

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.14.1 released
- Halloween event: Mirny: Hope
- Frontline 2021: Stage III
The operation to save Mirny from the danger isn't over just yet. This year, players had a chance to defeat the immortal in this special in-game event.
With update 1.14.1, Chinese vehicles got characteristic improvements, giving their commanders more confidence as the roll out into the battlefield.

◆ Major updates
- AltProto AMX 30: Legend of the Hunter
- 2021 Well-Deserved Rewards
- Daily Deals returns!
- Frontline 2021: Stage IV
To thank all the players who stayed with us, the annual 2021 well-deserved rewards was distributed to players according to the time they spent with us.
Grab the brand-new French Tier VIII mediun tank AltProto AMX 30! Legend of the Hunter event was also held.
Daily deal and the last stage of this year's Frontline stage 4 also launched.

◆ Major updates
- Update 1.15 released
- Holiday Ops 2022
- Large Boxes 2022: What Premium Tanks Are Inside?
- 2022 Advent Calendar
The most festive and amazing event of the year "2022 Holiday ops" event is ongoing. This year, especially our childhood hero Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared as a special guest to make this event even more enjoyable.
Large boxes are sold in the premium shop, containing various items like brand-new tier VIII premium tanks. The Advent Calendar also added some fesitve cheer this holiday season.
Thanks for enjoying the game with us, and let's meet on the battlefield next year, commanders!
Happy new year!