Tank Commanders!
Miss the thrill of full-scale tactical campaigns and battling with your brothers-in-arms by your side? Global Map Season 12 is on its way to you with plenty of lucrative rewards!
Season Dates: 13 Aug - 8 Sep 2019 05:00 UTC +8
Ceasefire: Sundays 05:00 UTC +8 - Tuesdays 05:00 UTC +8
In the meantime, here are the Season highlights you can look forward to:
- Revised rules based on previous Season feedback
- Tier X only, with 2 fronts: Eastern & Western
- Weekly clan tournaments for top 16 Leaderboard clans (Eastern Front only), every Saturday at 16:00 UTC +8 – details here
- Post-Season tournament for top 16 clans based on overall weekly clan tournament ranking
That's right – not only will you earn styles, participation emblems, and medals for your clan's position in the Seasonal Rankings as usual, but you will also be able to participate in weekly clan tournaments to win even more rewards!
Sounds exciting? Read on to get familiar with the rules & regulations of the coming Season!
Clan Wars Rules
ExpandClan Wars activities include, but are not limited to: Global Map seasons, Global Map events, Global Map campaigns, Stronghold Skirmishes/Advances modes, and other in-game activities related to inter-clan competition.
These rules will apply to all active clans involved in Clan Wars activities, and may be revised at any time as necessary, without prior notice.
Rules updated as of June 2019.
Clan Wars Violations
The following actions/behaviour are prohibited and are considered Clan Wars violations. Please send a ticket to the Support Center under the "Clan Wars" category to report:
- Account-sharing in Clan Wars
- Sharing an account with 1 or more players
- Use of an account shared by other player(s)
- Use of multiple accounts to participate in any Clan Wars-related activities, which includes but is not limited to:
- Use of 2 or more accounts to participate in Global Map battles during the same event, season, campaign, or Clan Tournament
- Use of 2 or more accounts to operate multiple clans on the Global Map or in a Clan Tournament
- Use of 2 or more accounts in Clan Wars activities to gain unfair advantage for any clan or individual player account
- Designating a fake/dummy account as clan commander or clan officer
- Abusive gameplay
- Rigging battles / fake battles
- Mass bidding on Global Map, while
- Failing to participate in the battles of won bids
- Attempting to gain unfair advantages for own/other clans (to be determined at the discretion of WG staff)
- Multiple team-kill, suicide, AFK (including leaving battle before the battle ends) incidents in one or more consecutive Clan Wars battles
- Any other actions considered inappropriate in Clan Wars (to be determined at the discretion of WG staff)
All reports MUST contain at least one of the following before any investigation may be undertaken:
- Screenshots related to the violation or player/clan action (full image, no editing)
- Battle replays related to the violation or player/clan action
- Message logs related to the violation or player/clan action (image format)
Personal Violations
The following actions/behaviour are considered personal violations and will NOT be investigated by Clan Wars management staff. Please send a ticket to the Support Center under the "Rule Violations" category to report:
- Use of prohibited mods (including botting)
- Abusive in-game chat/PMs
- Individual suicide in a Clan Wars battle (note: individual team-kill & AFK incidents will automatically be covered by the in-game penalty system)
- Any in-game rule violation which is not related to Clan Wars
Clan Treasury Payout Limitations
Currency | Daily Limit per Player |
Gold | 5,000 |
Bonds | 2,000 |
Season Information
- General
- Map Pool
- Weekly Tournament Rules
- Eastern Front Seasonal Leaderboard Rewards
- Western Front Seasonal Leaderboard Rewards
- Battle Format
- Eastern Front: 15v15, Tier X
- Western Front: 10v10, Tier X
- Prime Time: 16:00 to 23:00 UTC +8.
- Provinces
- Regular, auction, and landing provinces will be available on the Global Map.
- There will be a total of 208 provinces on the map with ~20% landing and ~5% auction provinces.
- The battlefield is divided into zones with various levels of income.
- Penalties are ON.
- “Fog of War” is ON.
- Alliances are OFF.
- Clan operations are ON.
- Revolts are ON.
- Ransacks are ON. When ransacking provinces, clans receive 2 days' worth of province income. Upon being ransacked, provinces do not generate income for 3 days.
- Vehicle Lock
- Eastern Front: 36 hours
- Western Front: OFF
- Influence and Divisions
- Division cost: 200 Influence (the cost of 11th division and onwards increases to 20,000 Influence).
- Division upkeep is free.
- Division modules are enabled for strategic effect.
- Landing Tournaments and Auctions
- Number of landing tournament applicants: 16.
- Maximum number of active landing applications per clan on the Eastern Front: 6 (Clan must have at least 90 members who own a Tier X vehicle)
- Maximum number of active landing applications per clan on the Western Front: 10 (Clan must have at least 100 members who own a Tier X vehicle)
- Clans owning provinces cannot land on the Global Map.
- Clans can attack landing provinces by land.
- The province owner participates only in the Final Battle with the winner of the challengers' tournament on their own province. Applicable to landing provinces, auction provinces, and attacks from adjacent territories.
- First day of the Season
- All Global Map provinces will be landing provinces on the first day of the Season. At the end of Prime Time, provinces will switch to the main mode as per the general rules of the Season.
- Number of applications for landing tournaments on the first day of the Season: 32
- If a battle for a landing province ends in a draw, it will be counted as a defeat for both challengers.
- Abbey
- Ensk
- Highway
- Karelia
- Live Oaks
- Mines
- Prokhorovka
- Ruinberg
- Serene Coast
- Tundra
- Cliff
- Fisherman's Bay
- Himmelsdorf
- Lakeville
- Malinovka
- Murovanka
- Redshire
- Sand River
- Steppes
- Westfield
- Battle Format:
- 15v15, Tier X
- Eastern Front only
- Double Round-robin, 4 groups (decided by weekly leaderboard ranking)
- Clans receive tournament points based on weekly tournament results
Groups Points Top 1 - 4 clans 1st place: 16 points 2nd place: 15 points 3rd place: 14 points 4th place: 13 points Top 5 - 8 clans 1st place: 12 points 2nd place: 11 points 3rd place: 10 points 4th place: 9 points Top 9 - 12 clans 1st place: 8 points 2nd place: 7 points 3rd place: 6 points 4th place: 5 points Top 13 - 16 clans 1st place: 4 points 2nd place: 3 points 3rd place: 2 points 4th place: 1 point - Top 16 clans with the highest tournament point total at the end of the Season will advance to the post-Season tournament
- No-show penalty – deduction of 20% of weekly tournament points for each battle missed per week
- Weekly tournament rewards
Groups Ranking Bonds Industrial Resource Top 1 - 4 clans 1st place 20,000 300,000 2nd place 15,000 3rd place 10,000 4th place 7,500 Top 5 - 8 clans 1st place 6,000 250,000 2nd place 5,500 3rd place 5,000 4th place 4,500 Top 9 - 12 clans 1st place 4,000 200,000 2nd place 3,500 3rd place 2,750 4th place 2,250 Top 13 - 16 clans 1st place 1,750 150,000 2nd place 1,500 3rd place 1,250 4th place 1,000
Max. Position | Min. Position | Medal | Industrial Resource | Clan Style / Camo | Clan & Participation Emblems | Projection Decals | Pin-up Decals |
1 | - | Winner of the Twelfth Season 1st Class | 1,500,000 | Clan Assault & Nightfall styles | Yes | Yes | Yes |
2 | - | Winner of the Twelfth Season 2nd Class | 1,250,000 | ||||
3 | - | Winner of the Twelfth Season 3rd Class | 1,000,000 | ||||
4 | 10% | Season Elite | 750,000 | ||||
10% | 50% | Season Veteran | 500,000 | Clan Assault style | No | ||
50% | 75% | - | 400,000 | - | No | No |
Max. Position | Min. Position | Medal | Industrial Resource | Clan Style / Camo | Clan & Participation Emblems | Projection Decals |
1 | - | Winner of the Twelfth Season 1st Class | 300,000 | Clan Assault style | Yes | Yes |
2 | - | Winner of the Twelfth Season 2nd Class | 250,000 | |||
3 | - | Winner of the Twelfth Season 3rd Class | 200,000 | |||
4 | 10% | Season Elite | 150,000 | |||
10% | 50% | Season Veteran | 100,000 | - | No |
- In order to receive rewards, players must participate in at least 5 battles during the Season.
- One style will be added per account.
- Three camouflage pieces will be added per nation; once applied it becomes permanent and can't be switched between vehicles.
- Six participation emblems, six decals, and six emblems will be added per account.
What's Next?
Once Season 12 is over, the Global Map will be frozen, and Influence accumulated over the season will be reset.
Good luck, and may the best clan conquer the Global Map!