eSH X 1,279 | eSH VIII 1,304 | eSH VI 1,270 |
The clan members have not participated in Skirmishes for the last 28 days.
Advances: | 0 |
Victories/Battles ratio: | 0% |
The clan has not fought any battles during the advances for the last 28 days.
Created: 12/24/2013
现招骨科,外科,内科 耳鼻咽喉科 精神科医生,或医学方向在读本科以上学历者。可免操作水平直接入团。联系YY频道:129866 (长期有效)
eGM X 1,322 | eGM VIII 1,326 | eGM VI 1,224 |
Gold over the last 28 days | 0
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